Save Time Training Your Clients : Unlock All the Tools You Need in 2 Minutes
We know how precious your time is, and how difficult it is to find the right training tools. Planif offers you €50 to try out its optimized sports training tools.
Forget about your excel spreadsheets
Need to set up a training session in 5 minutes? Super easy.
Want to track your clients’ progress? We’ve got what you need.
Need to connect a smartwatch? It takes 2 minutes.

Coaches and athletes love our app
Join over 2,000 Planif users and contribute to the creation of more than 300,000 workout sessions.

A perfect offer to get you started
Get €50 as a gift to enjoy the premium offer.
Premium offer
A great deal for coaches
- A visual builder to build your workout sessions
- Analysis tools
- Planning tools
- Create training groups
- No hidden fees
- Customer support
- €50 offered
Limited offer ⏰
€50 offered to try out all the premium features
- A visual builder to build your workout sessions
- Analysis tools
- Planning tools
- Create training groups
- No hidden fees
- Customer support
- €5 offered