About Us

We help bring all sports projects to life.

Because training is already tough enough, we have simplified the rest for you.

Our mission

Our mission is clear: to make training management accessible to everyone. We are much more than just a platform.

We are your partner in achieving your fitness goals, whatever they may be. Whether you are a beginner looking to incorporate exercise into your routine or an experienced athlete looking to push your limits, we are here to support you every step of the way.

With our innovative technology, we simplify the planning, tracking, and adaptation of your training sessions, allowing you to focus on what really matters: your performance. Join us today and discover how Planif can enhance your training workflow.

The amazing team behind Planif

Lucas Damalix

Lucas Damalix

Co-founder, Developer


Computer Engineer and Applied Mathematics

Céline Tarabbia

Céline Tarabbia

Co-founder, Operations


Biomedical engineer and master’s degree in business management

Grégoire Sename

Grégoire Sename

Co-founder, Developer


Computer Engineer and Applied Electronics

Tom Jeannesson

Tom Jeannesson

Co-founder, Developer

Mogul skier

Computer Engineer and Applied Mathematics

Guillaume Brun-Cosme-Gazot

Guillaume Brun-Cosme-Gazot

Co-founder, Developer


BA STAPS and Computer Science BA 

Planif sur mobile!

Our values

We embody these values every day at Planif. With our strategy, they will enable us to achieve our vision.
By embracing cutting-edge technology, we are committed to providing increasingly efficient training management solutions through Planif. Our innovative platform is designed to support athletes of all levels, empowering them to thrive and succeed in their sporting journey. Innovation is at the core of our DNA, enabling us to build a platform that caters to every athlete, regardless of the complexity of their project.
At Planif, we are here to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to excel, whether you aim to enhance your personal performance, achieve new goals, or push your limits. Our commitment to performance is reflected in every aspect of our platform, empowering you to unleash your full potential.
We strive to simplify the training management experience for our users. Our goal at Planif is to make the planning, tracking, and adjusting of your workouts as smooth and intuitive as possible, while incorporating the latest technological advancements. Simplicity is at the core of what we do.
We are a passionate team of seasoned sports and technology professionals dedicated to providing our users with the best practices and wisest advice to help them achieve their goals. Our commitment to expertise is demonstrated in the quality of our tools and services, as well as our constant desire to stay at the forefront of industry trends and innovations. At Planif, we are here to guide you.

Our savoir-faire



Performance tracking

Races management

Groups management



Free support

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